Family dogs maul two Tennessee children and wound a mother who tried to intervene, according to the family.

Family dogs maul two Tennessee children and wound a mother who tried to intervene, according to the family.

Two young children are dead 

Mom fought dogs for '10 minutes' as they killed baby and toddler

The family owned the pets, Cheech and Mia, for more than eight years without a violent incident, 

The dogs – two pit bulls that belonged to the family – were euthanized at Memphis Animal Services Thursday 

In general, pit bulls aren't aggressive with people

Pit bulls will commonly start developing signs of dog aggression between the ages of 8 months and 2 years,

Due to selective breeding for the purposes of dogfighting, pit bulls are highly dog-aggressive 

Due to selective breeding for the purposes of dogfighting, pit bulls are highly dog-aggressive 

The family owned the pets, Cheech and Mia, for more than eight years without a violent incident, Kelsey Canfield, the mother's best friend, told Fox News.

"I can promise you those children were her world, and if there was any inkling of danger, she would have never had those dogs near her kids," Canfield told the outlet. "Those children were everything to them, and they just have a really long journey ahead."