Are Meisha Johnson and Nicola Kanaan still together after 90 Days?

Meisha has had to deal with Nicola’s insults on 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days.

She has her own style and is a mess. But he doesn’t know how to be in a relationship and doesn’t want to.

He taught her about religion for years and now thinks it’s a given that he’ll marry her. Meisha doesn’t know yet.

The show was shot a long time ago. Meisha and Nicola, do they still go out?

90 Day Fiance Spoiler Are Meisha Johnson and Nicola Kanaan90 Day Fiance Spoiler Are Meisha Johnson and Nicola Kanaan
Meisha Johnson and Nicola Kanaan take a selfie in front of Haifa. (TLC)
There are a lot of bad reasons why Meisha Johnson and Nicola Kanaan shouldn’t be together.

It looks like the only thing they have in common is that they are both very devoted Roman Catholics. Even so, they are not completely on the same page.

But if the 90-Day Fiance series has taught us anything, it’s that people don’t always stop making mistakes because they’re not a good match.

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Nicola tells Meisha, “I would marry you right then.” She is still trying to get to know him, but he seems happy to skip this step, even though he is upset with her. (TLC) What do we know?

Unless there is a smoking gun, like a marriage certificate or proof that they were filming in the US on a K-1 visa, we have to look for less obvious clues.

Meisha and Nicola still follow each other on social media, for example. Instagram, to be exact.

Most likely, that means they’re still together. It could also mean that they broke up but still talk to each other. Lastly, it could mean that they broke up but are trying to keep things from getting worse.

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Meisha is very excited about a woman in Haifa who is wearing a beautiful wedding dress. Less impressed is how Nicola feels. Not just because they are IG mutuals
Nicola has given Meisha’s recent Instagram posts a “like” more than once.

When we talked about their co-stars Christian and Cleo, we used a similar example. Passive “likes” aren’t as telling as active ones.

We haven’t seen Meisha respond to any of Nicola’s posts, which is an interesting fact. That could be a sign of disinterest or of doing a good job.

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The way Nicola and Meisha talked about their problems could have been better. What about their child? We are, of course, talking about, the website that Meisha and Nicola started together.

It has to do with the fact that they are both Catholic, not one of Kimye’s kids, who Kanye was clearly allowed to name.

Meisha often tells people about the site by talking about it on social media. Nicola doesn’t seem to do the same things.

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Nicola and Meisha talk about his family and what they know or don’t know about how they are related. (TLC) That’s all?
Meisha and Nicola are not leaving comments on each other’s posts. They also don’t talk about their relationship in public.

That just means that they are better at following their NDAs than most people.

We can think of other 90-Day Love Story couples over the years who were so messy they couldn’t keep it together. Much more obvious than radio silence are fights in public, sudden blocks, and bad talk.

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Most of Meisha and Nicola’s sex acts will have to wait until they get married, but Meisha seems a little more horny than Nicola. (TLC) Did Meisha drop a hint?
Meisha did share a short video from her trip to Israel on July 13.

Almost all of the content was normal, like pictures of beautiful landscapes, sights, and landmarks, and, of course, cats.

A short video showed Meisha and Nicola walking. But that doesn’t give anything away. That just means, well, that he was there. We get it.

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When Meisha said something bad about Nicola, he told her that she needs to change how she feels about him. (TLC) So, what do you think?
We’ve seen on screen a lot of reasons why they should break up.

He doesn’t seem like he wants to learn or grow. Even though he has never been in a real relationship, he thinks he’s doing fine.

Meisha, on the other hand, wants to know if he’s a good partner. She also wants to know that he won’t fight with her teenage daughters just because they are normal young adults.

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More and Svea, Meisha Johnson’s daughters, drove her to the airport so she could catch her flight to Israel. (TLC) To put it simply, we don’t know if they are still together or not. We think that if they were married, they would tell everyone about it.

Most likely, they are still trying to make things work but haven’t gotten married yet. Both of them have said that they think their God wants them to be together. Even a clear lack of compatibility has a hard time getting past that.

We’d love it if this season and the Tell All gave us a nice surprise. It might be over. May all toxic and harmful relationships end quickly and for good.

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