Nancy Mace says that if the GOP wants to win in 2024, it needs to talk “smarter” about women.

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Rep. Nancy Mace (R-S.C.) said that the GOP needs to be smarter about how it appeals to Republican women. She also said that her conference hadn’t done anything to help women in the seven months since Republicans retook control of the House in January.

“We can accept those votes, but in seven months of this legislative session, we haven’t done anything to show that we care about women. “That’s where my anger comes from,” Mace said in an interview with Shannon Bream on “Fox News Sunday.”

Mace, who says she is pro-life, said the GOP needs to do more to “show that we care about women.” She suggested they do this by voting on a measure that helps women whenever they vote against abortion.

Mace said, “Every time we vote on abortion, and I’m pro-life, we should also vote on bills, laws, and amendments that show we care about women.” He then listed some issues the House GOP could take up.

“What are we doing to help women who have been raped or girls who have been incestuously involved with other people? What are we doing to improve the foster care system for kids whose parents don’t want them? How do we make sure that women have the choice between adoption and abortion when they have to make really hard decisions? Do we help women who’ve had abortions with counseling? Because many women have a hard time getting over it mentally, they regret their choice. So, how do we show we care about women and want to find a middle ground?”

Mace also explained why she disagrees with a GOP plan to stop money for women in the military who want to get an abortion out of state. She criticized her conference for going after the military, which Mace thought was a dangerous move from a political point of view.

“I’m for life. This will show up in how I vote. But I also don’t think going after women in uniform is okay now, so soon after Roe. That’s not right. Mace said, “It looks bad.”

Mace said that Republicans criticizing her for her positions “really don’t know what suburban moms and women in this country care about today.”

“It’s the second most important thing in swing districts and seats. “And if you want to win the White House, keep the majority in the House, and flip the Senate, we need to be smarter about how we talk about women and show them that we care,” she said.

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