Stephanie Lebo says that Jon Gosselin is a great father. Yes, People Don’t Get My Boyfriend!

Stephanie Lebo wants to say a lot of good things about Jon Gosselin on the record.

Stephanie Lebo is the name of the woman with whom Gosselin was seen kissing a few days ago.

After those photos went viral, the former reality star who is said to be a bad parent confirmed Lebo’s identity by saying that he has been dating this person for two years.

This week, Lebo talked to The Sun about the criticisms that have been made about her lover.

Jon Gosselin I Havent Spoken to My Kids in FIVEJon Gosselin I Havent Spoken to My Kids in FIVE
In this kind of scary photo, Jon Gosselin stares straight into the camera. (Instagram) Lebo even brought up Jon’s well-known ex-wife, Kate Gosselin, right away.

“Sometimes I wonder, with Kate and other people Jon has been with, if it has anything to do with your childhood, growing up, or problems, and if that’s why you are the way you are. Lebo asked The Sun this, putting Kate Gosselin in a pretty bad light.

Lebo added:

“I just don’t see what they’re saying is wrong with Jon. We never fight over anything.”

Mystery Woman Spotted Kissing Canoodling with Jon Gosselin for ReasonsMystery Woman Spotted Kissing Canoodling with Jon Gosselin for Reasons
In September 2022, Jon Gosselin wore a great shirt to show off his great sense of style. (Instagram)
Jon became famous because he was on the TLC reality show Jon and Kate Plus 8 with his wife and eight children.

After getting divorced in 2009, the couple spent most of the next 10 years saying bad things about each other in public.

Jon was just in a VICE documentary where he said he hasn’t talked to six of his kids in a long time.

Jon has in the past said that this is Kate’s fault and has basically begged his sons and daughters to get in touch with him.

1690412391 323 Kate Gosselin My Ex Husband My Son are LIARS1690412391 323 Kate Gosselin My Ex Husband My Son are LIARS

Jon Gosselin’s relationship with his son Collin and his daughter Hannah is strong. And then he didn’t have any more kids. Jon is close with his son Collin and his daughter Hannah.

Lebo has a daughter who is 13 years old, and she told The Sun that Jon has gone out of his way to be close to her.

In this article, she responded to “people who say Jon is a bad father” by saying that he has been a father figure to her daughter, even though he doesn’t have to.

Jon Gosselin: A SelfieJon Gosselin: A Selfie
On Instagram, we’re too close to Jon Gosselin and know way too much about him. (Instagram)
In the meantime, Kate spoke out against claims that she was an abusive parent at the end of last month. She called both Collin and Jon liars.

“For [Kate] to sit there and say this and that in public about him and Collin and Hannah, well, number one, a judge gave him custody for a reason, and number two, he’s never yelled at my child or done anything bad to them or manipulated them in any way, no way,” Lebo told The Sun.

“In Pennsylvania, it’s hard for a judge to give full custody to a father. Most of the time, the judge sides with the mother.”

Jon Gosselin in St. CroixJon Gosselin in St. Croix
Jon Gosselin took this picture of himself on St. Croix. It’s not a bad view at all. (Instagram)
The Sun says that Lebo is a research analyst, and she seems to know Jon, his kids, and the sad mess that the whole situation has become very well.

She now says, “I do think about the other kids and all the holidays and other things they have missed out on by not being together.”

“Last Thanksgiving, we were all eating, and Hannah said, ‘Wait, we haven’t said thanks yet.’ So she started, and she said, ‘The first person I want to thank is Steph because you have made home, home.’ I choked.

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