Jasmine Pineda: Sometimes, instead of Gino’s cheap ring, I wear my ex’s engagement ring!

Gino and Jasmine went shopping in the most recent episode of 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days.

This was supposedly a birthday present for her sister. But Jasmine’s desire for a ring was the most important thing.

Yes, she does already have a ring. But she said she “lost” it and wants a new one that won’t make her look bad.

Jasmine admitted that she had sometimes worn the engagement ring from her first marriage because she liked it better. Gino was not happy to hear that.

Jasmine Pineda I Wear My Exs Engagement Ring Sometimes InsteadJasmine Pineda I Wear My Exs Engagement Ring Sometimes Instead
Gino knew she had a second reason when Jasmine told him, “Among other things, for Liz’s birthday.” On 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days, Season 6, Episode 9, Gino Palazzolo and Jasmine Pineda chose a beautiful necklace for Jasmine’s sister.

Liz reached the age of 20. We really hope that the episode wasn’t the only part of her birthday party that we saw.

In any case, Jasmine’s goal wasn’t just to get the pendant. She quickly told me what her real plan was.

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“Have you got rings on?” Jasmine asks this right in front of the man who gave her a ring and said he would give her two more. (TLC) Jasmine asked the person working at the jewelry store if they could look at rings.

Gino gave Jasmine a ring at this point. We saw him buy the almost unbelievable cheap ring before he proposed. It was the kind of ring a high schooler might save up to buy for his girlfriend.

Jasmine “lost” that ring, it turns out. But that’s the one thing that doesn’t make her cry. Jasmine said that of course, it was an accident.

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People have noticed that Jasmine’s looks have changed over the years. Even the still-recent footage from the same season shows a big difference from how she looked when she told the truth. (TLC) See, she didn’t like the ring at all. Most likely because it was about the same price as a meal for two at a pricey restaurant or a delivery order for four from a less expensive place.

But when she talked to the confessional camera, Jasmine said that she didn’t just hate the trash ring Gino gave her and lost it.

She told him that she had worn a new ring. In particular, the ring she wore when she got engaged to her first husband.

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What Jasmine Pineda is saying bothers Gino Palazzolo. Do you know? (TLC)
You’re right. She wore the ring her ex-husband gave her because it was less embarrassing than the one Gino gave her.

Gino was shocked. Yes, he did buy an engagement ring that was as big as a shopping list. But he felt hurt because it came from the heart.

We can see this from both sides. Gino was hurt by this, of course. But, too? If you want to give someone a $270 engagement ring, you might want to choose a partner who wants that.

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Gino should hire an immigration lawyer, says Jasmine Pineda once more. (TLC)
Gino had already told Jasmine he would buy her a new ring. But he wanted to wait until he got the K-1 visa. He’d give her this ring as a gift.

Jasmine, however, did not want to wait. In the same way, she was tired of waiting for the K-1 visa.

She told Gino that she wanted him to hire an attorney who specializes in immigration law. Even though he had done this before, she wanted to move things along more quickly.

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No one with a weak heart should work in retail. Customers are the worst kind of people, but they have to deal with them. Gino told TLC that they were not at 13 months. If they haven’t heard back by that point, they might start to worry.

But Jasmine said he was too cheap to hire a lawyer to speed up the process. Gino said that the visa could come any day now, so it might be a waste of money to hire a professional.

The clerk at the jewelry store, who had kindly agreed to be on camera, had to do nothing but stand there. Retail is a terrible job.

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When Jasmine Pineda doesn’t feel like she’s important, she cries out loud in a jewelry store. (TLC)
Jasmine started to cry, as expected. She has a strong feeling that love and money go together, and she thinks that Gino’s spending habits show that he doesn’t love her.

Gino got mad and stormed out of the room.

He would later admit that it was the exact opposite of what the marriage counselor had told him to do when Jasmine got angry.

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Gino and Jasmine took Liz’s sister out on a vehicle that was powered by pedals. Is it your birthday? (TLC) They didn’t figure out what was wrong right away.

But they decided to put their disagreements aside as best they could.

Why? Liz’s birthday was that day. So, on the same day as the fight in the jewelry store, the three of them went out together.

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The phrase “That wasn’t so bad” means that Liz’s birthday could have been worse. (TLC) Liz was almost the literal third wheel because they both rode bicycles.

There were times when they laughed and seemed to forget about their problems for a little while.

There were also times when there were disagreements.

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Gino and Jasmine sure know how to talk “playfully” with each other. (TLC) When Jasmine worried that Gino might have “a heart attack” if he pedals too hard, he told her that he was fine.

When the conversation turned to Gino’s sexual performance, she said that she had “never had an orgasm” with him.

Well, they’ve only slept together seven times. Still, that’s not good. Gino finally spoke up, and Jasmine said she was “joking” about pretending to have orgasms. Wonderful people.

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Gino Palazzolo wants to surprise Jasmine with something. It’s a ring, but it might not be the one she would have chosen. (TLC)
They took Liz out for ice cream after that. (Once more, we hope she had a real party with friends another time.)

Gino gave Jasmine a ring there as a surprise.

It wasn’t a ring she chose herself. Gino, on the other hand, said that he saw it and bought it for her. It’s a gesture and a way to get along.

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After Gino gives Jasmine half of what she asked for, they kiss at the ice cream shop. (TLC) It was clear that Jasmine liked Gino’s choice to make peace.

(It looks like neither she nor the cameras were there when Gino bought the item. It might be another ring worth $270, but we’ll find out.

She gave him a kiss. A lot. They were sitting there in public, right where Liz could see them.

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Liz is the third wheel in her sister’s drama, which is a shame. And put on makeup. (TLC)
Liz is poor.

We wish that her birthday had been better. Because none of this had anything to do with her.

But maybe Jasmine will wear this ring now that she has it. Or does she still think she will get a new one when the K-1 visa comes?

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