No one knows why a mystery woman was seen kissing and canoodling with Jon Gosselin.

This past weekend, Jon Gosselin was seen getting very close and cozy with a brunette woman who was not named outside of the Ette Hotel in Orlando, Florida.

The Sun found a picture of Jon kissing this person on the lips while taking a selfie with her. as well as taking her hand.

We don’t know much about this person.

Except that she likes very strange men.

Mystery Woman Spotted Kissing Canoodling with Jon Gosselin for Reasons
Jon Gosselin is the most important person on earth. Kind of. In April 2023, he sent this picture to someone. (Instagram)
Gosselin was married to his ex-wife Kate from 2007 until 2009.The two people who used to be married have eight children together, but Jon only talks to two of them: Collin and Hannah.

Jon has spent most of the last 10 years bad-mouthing the mother of his children every chance he gets. He has done this on podcasts and talk shows.

Gosselin recently appeared in a VICE TV documentary where he said he spent $1 million to get Collin out of a mental health facility where Kate had put him in 2016.

Mystery Woman Spotted Kissing Canoodling with Jon Gosselin for Reasons
Jon Gosselin wore a great shirt in September 2022 to show how stylish he was. (Instagram)
Jon broke up with Colleen Gilbert, the woman he had been with for a long time, in August 2021.

She said that Jon had left her when she found out she had breast cancer, and she posted a picture on Instagram that said:

“The truth is clear, doesn’t change, and makes sense.”

“When you hear stories that are hard to understand, change every time you hear them, or don’t make sense, it’s likely that you’re not hearing the truth.

“If someone doesn’t want to take responsibility for what they did, they will lie to make themselves look better and try to get away with it.

“That means they don’t feel bad about what they did, so it will happen again.”

Jon Gosselin with New Hair
Jon Gosselin still takes pictures of himself. This person stinks. (Instagram)
Jon said that he and Colleen’s breakup was a natural end to their relationship, and he denied that he dumped her because she got sick.

He said back then, “It’s always hard to end a relationship, but I think we gave it a pretty good shot.”

“We tried as hard as we could to mix our families, but it just wasn’t working out. It’s hard because I care about her and love her, and I want the best for her, but I also want the best for myself.

“Now that Colleen’s health is better, I need to start taking care of myself, my family, and my children.”

“I can’t wait to start the next part of my life.”

1690412391 323 Kate Gosselin My Ex Husband My Son are LIARS
Jon Gosselin’s relationship with his son Collin and his daughter Hannah is strong. And then he didn’t have any more kids. (Instagram) It looks like the next chapter is about Jon and the woman he is currently kissing, hugging, and probably penetrating.

We hope the best for her.

Most likely, she’ll need it.


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