Tori Spelling and Dean McDermott are going their separate ways, but they have new debt and legal problems.

Tori Spelling and Dean McDermott have had better years.

It’s possible that they’ve been through worse. But they are no longer together and have to leave their infested home. This is not the 2023 they had hoped for.

And now I’ve learned something new. A new debt.

This time, it gets them in trouble with the law in the form of a state tax warrant. Oh no!

Tori Spelling and Dean McDermott Face New Debt Legal TroublesTori Spelling and Dean McDermott Face New Debt Legal Troubles
At the Warner Bros. Pictures “Paddington 2” After Party on January 6, 2018, in Los Angeles, Tori Spelling and Dean McDermott posed for a picture. (Getty)
We’re not here to make fun of Tori’s problems or those of her family.

That seems to be the job of Tori’s realtor, who is “just doing his job.”

But we are going to talk about the state tax warrant for New York City. And you might not think it’s so new.

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In this picture from 2022, Tori Spelling had platinum-colored hair that was wavy and was wearing a colorful outfit. (Instagram)
The bad news is that you don’t want a tax warrant or tax lien against you. It’s bad.

The good news is that only $324 is needed. By Hollywood standards, Tori and Dean aren’t even close to “rich,” but that’s a debt that almost anyone can handle.

The strange thing about the warrant is that it was filed on April 20, 2022. So, as we said, this is nothing new, and it happened a long time before their 2023 issues.

Tori Spelling and Dean McDermott in 2019Tori Spelling and Dean McDermott in 2019
Here, Tori Spelling and Dean McDermott pose at an event in 2019 on the red carpet. (Getty)
This has been the case before.
In 2018, Tori and Dean were hit with a $31,091 state tax lien.

In 2017, they had to deal with a federal tax lien for $184,390 and a judgment lien for $17,730.

In 2016, they owed $259,108 in state taxes and $707,487 in federal taxes. So they have had much more serious problems in this area.

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Parents In June 2023, Tori Spelling and Dean McDermott pose at the Beverly Hilton with their children Liam, Stella, Hattie, Finn, and Beau. (Instagram)
Those are some very big numbers, and most of us can’t imagine how someone could owe more than $1 million, no matter how many kids they have.

We don’t know how Tori and Dean’s money works behind the scenes. We know that they have had other debts, like the famous fight with American Express.

Neither of them is where they wanted to be in their careers, and it’s possible that they’re just bad with money. Or, maybe this was caused by a series of emergencies. We do know that they’ve been sick for years, which now makes sense.

Tori Spelling and Dean McDermott TogetherTori Spelling and Dean McDermott Together
Dean McDermott and Tori Spelling don’t seem to have had the happiest marriage in the world. We’re just saying. (Getty) Why doesn’t anyone help?
The truth is, there are a lot of things about our financial system that just stink.

We don’t usually think of Tori and Dean as people who need to go into debt just to stay alive, but maybe just a few small mistakes have led to their current situation.

But they are close to someone who could pay off all of their debts with a wave of the hand. About the same.

Candy Spelling ImageCandy Spelling Image
Candy Spelling is the mother of Tori Spelling, the famous but troubled actress, and the widow of TV mogul Aaron Spelling. (Getty)
Candy Spelling, Tori’s mother, is thought to have a net worth of about $600 million.

She got most of Aaron Spelling’s estate when he died, while Tori got about $800,000 for her share. That is 0.13 percent of her mother’s wealth.

No one is mad at Candy for getting her late husband’s money. People just find it hard to understand why Tori is having such a hard time when Candy could easily make things better.

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Finn Davey McDermott, Hattie Margaret McDermott, Stella Doreen McDermott, Tori Spelling, Dean McDermott, and Beau Dean McDermott go to Cold Stone Creamery backstage at the 2019 Teen Choice Awards on August 11, 2019. (Getty)
Candy has said that she would be willing to help Tori through her upcoming divorce. There are many ways to get help with money.

Some people wonder if Dean was a big reason Candy didn’t offer more obvious help from the start, like paying for a home and utilities. From what I’ve heard, she did not like the marriage.

But we don’t know what Candy is thinking or how much money she has. We don’t know any more about them than we know about Tori’s accounting books.

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