Amanda Bynes goes to inpatient treatment on her own to get better mentally after her latest scandal.

Anyone getting long-term mental health care will likely have ups and downs and significant setbacks.

Amanda Bynes was having trouble with her mental health in June. She knew she needed help, so she went and found it.

Recently, she has been getting care outside of a hospital. But that isn’t always enough.

She has gone to a place where she can stay for a while. She knows this is what she needs.

Amanda Bynes Wants OutAmanda Bynes Wants Out
Amanda Bynes, a former child star, made a big change in her life by going to college and working on her mental health. (Instagram)
Amanda Bynes has been a well-liked actress for a long time, even after she left show business.

Her fights with mental illness have been in the news for years. Her funny tweets from over a decade ago wouldn’t have happened if she’d been in a better mood.

Amanda has come a long way in the past few years. Her guardianship ended, she moved out on her own, and it’s good to see that her mental health is getting better.

Amanda Bynes in 2020Amanda Bynes in 2020

In this 2020 Instagram post, Amanda Bynes stands against a wall while wearing a yellow plaid top. After everything she has been through, her fans love hearing these little bits of news. But there have been setbacks, as seen on Instagram. She realized she was having a mental health crisis earlier this year. She was outside and naked when she called for help.

Since then, Amanda has continued to get better.

In June, she had another problem, though it wasn’t as bad as the last one. She tried to get help, and she got it.

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Amanda Bynes took this selfie, which she shared with her fans and followers, to show off her new hair color. (Instagram)
Now, TMZ says that Amanda is going back to inpatient mental health treatment on her own.

In July, she moved into the facility in Orange County.

Why? As with anyone who has chosen to stay in a hospital for care, she needed a more healing environment than she could get from outpatient care while living at home.

Amanda Bynes' Tattoo Removal PicAmanda Bynes' Tattoo Removal Pic

Amanda Bynes is talking about the hard things that happened to her. The former child star says that her time in Hollywood made her feel better about herself in the long run. (Instagram)
It’s not just about the doctors and therapists, even though they are important.

Amanda can have social interactions with other patients at the facility in Orange County.

It’s easier for her to do that than to be on her own. Not all mental illnesses are the same. What could be a nightmare for some people is just what Amanda needs to get better.

Amanda Bynes Face TattooAmanda Bynes Face Tattoo
Fans of Amanda Bynes have been following her story for years, including how her mental health went up and down. A lot of people still want her to do well. (Instagram) This inpatient treatment program can also just give Amanda a higher level of care than she would get at home.

She is now living with a family and getting care around the clock.

Then there are activities and therapy every day. Some of these things could help her learn new ways to deal with problems and other things after she leaves this center.

Amanda Bynes Removes Face Tattoo: I Was Told I Look Like a MonsterAmanda Bynes Removes Face Tattoo: I Was Told I Look Like a Monster
Amanda Bynes wears a light jacket and big glasses in this selfie. Her lipstick has a lot of color. (Instagram) This is another example of Amanda recognizing that she needs help and going out of her way to get it.

She is sick mentally. Nothing about that changes the fact that she is a person with rights.

We’re so happy that she keeps making good decisions for herself. Amanda, everyone is pulling for you to do well.

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